My First Summer: Story Time With Your Baby

It's never too early to develop a love for reading! Build your child's creativity with these tips for Story Time.
Qeepsake Editorial

Sharing stories with your baby is a beautiful bonding activity that also stimulates their growing brains.

Tips to Make the Most of Your Story Time

1. Hold your baby close or have them on your lap so they can see your face and the book.

2. Choose brightly colored picture books to capture their attention.

3. Read with expression, changing your voice for different characters or actions.

4. Don't just read the words; talk about the pictures too!

5. For very little ones, use black and white books. High contrast images are the first things your baby can see! This gets them visually stimulated but also introduces them to the concept and routine of “reading  a book."

6. Don't worry if your baby wants to chew the book - it's a perfect way for them to explore!

Don't forget to capture your time together and their reactions in your daily journaling updates!

Click here for activities to make Storytime cozy, interactive, and engaging.
Click this banner for fun recipes that go hand-in-hand with storytelling!
Click here for the Summer Book Challenge. Three winners will receive a FREE Qeepsake Book!

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