My First Summer: Buzzing Bees and Crawling Bugs

Do creepy crawlers frighten your baby? Read on for tips on how to encourage overcoming these fears and build an early interest in everything nature.
Qeepsake Editorial

Even your youngest can join in the bug exploration!

Bug-Themed Story Time

Use picture books about bugs and bees to introduce these tiny creatures to your baby.

Don't forget to capture their reactions in your daily journaling updates!

Click this banner for age-appropriate activities to befriend bugs and bees.

Sensory Bottle

Make a bug-themed sensory bottle with plastic bugs and some twigs.

As your little one is playing, notice what words they use to express their reactions. What are their expressions when they feel these different textures? Capture these memories in a photo or a journal entry!

Click this banner for fun bug-related recipes!

Nature Walk

Take your baby on a nature walk. Point out any bugs you see and talk about the sounds they make.

That's it for our bug and bee exploration! Remember, fostering an early love and respect for nature can go a long way in raising environmentally conscious children. So, put on those explorer hats, and let's start the bug hunt!

Capture the memory of their first bug encounter here!

Remember, your baby's safety always comes first! Ensure all activities and materials do not pose a choking hazard, and are age-appropriate for your little one.

Click this banner for this week's Qeepsake challenge!

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