Preparing Your Child For The New School Year

Transition from home to school can bring both excitement and apprehension. Here are some tips on how to help your child through it.
Qeepsake Editorial

As summer comes to a close, it's time to shift our focus toward preparing our children for the upcoming school year. Whether they're starting preschool or entering a new grade, this transition can bring both excitement and apprehension. Here are some tips to help you prepare your child for the school year and make the transition a smooth one.

Establish Routines

Gradually introduce school-year routines a few weeks before the first day. Set regular bedtimes and wake-up times to help adjust your child's internal clock. Reintroduce structured meal times and consistent daily activities to simulate the school routine.

Click here for activities to make the transition back to school not only smooth, but exciting!

Talk About School

Start conversations about school and what to expect. Share positive experiences about your own school days and ask your child what they are looking forward to or feeling nervous about. Address their concerns and provide reassurance and support.

Click here for easy recipes to wrap up summer with.

Visit The School

If possible, take your child for a visit to their new school or classroom. Familiarize them with the surroundings, meet their teacher if possible, and explore the facilities. This can help alleviate anxiety and create a sense of familiarity.

Click here for the Summer Book Challenge. Three winners will receive a FREE Qeepsake Book!

Practice Independence

Encourage your child to develop independence skills, such as dressing themselves, using the restroom independently, and tidying up after playtime. These skills will empower them and boost their confidence as they navigate the school environment.

Foster Social Connections

Arrange playdates with classmates or attend school orientation events if available. Building social connections before the school year begins can ease the transition and provide a sense of belonging.

By implementing these strategies, you can help your child feel more prepared, confident, and excited about the upcoming school year.

Record your child's anticipation, thoughts and reflections about this transition with a  photo or journaling through text or the Qeepsake app and comparing them year on year as your child progresses through school.

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