My First Summer: Outdoor Physical Exploration

Introduce the great outdoors to your baby for their first summer!
Qeepsake Editorial

During your child's first summer, there are plenty of opportunities for outdoor physical exploration. Take advantage of the warm weather and introduce them to the joy of nature and physical play. Here are some ideas for outdoor activities for babies under one year old:

Sensory Nature Walk

Take your baby for a leisurely stroll in a stroller or carrier and explore the sights, sounds, and textures of nature. Talk to them about what you see, feel the breeze, and let them touch leaves or grass gently.

Tummy Time Outdoors

Find a soft blanket or mat and lay it on the grass. Allow your baby to have tummy time outside, feeling the different sensations beneath them. Encourage them to reach for objects or explore their surroundings.

Gentle Swinging

If you have access to a safe and suitable swing, take your baby for a gentle swing. The back and forth motion can be soothing and enjoyable for them.

Remember, safety is paramount during outdoor activities with young babies. Always provide adequate sun protection, stay hydrated, and be mindful of the temperature.

Don't forget to capture your time together and their reactions in your daily journaling updates!

Click here for activities to get your kids moving and grooving!
Click here for easy recipes to cool down and enjoy this summer.
Click here for the Summer Book Challenge. Three winners will receive a FREE Qeepsake Book!

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