Valentine's Day is one of the sweetest holidays to celebrate with kids. From newborns to high schoolers, there are so many fun ways to share the love with your family. We've curated a list of our favorite EASY DIY activities to do with our families for Valentine's Day. We're not a super crafty bunch, and yet these we're all super doable with fantastic results!
Valentines Day Activities and Crafts for Kids and Toddlers
1. Get Crafty with some DIY
There are so many fun DIY Valentine's Day crafts you can do with your kiddo. From paper wreath hearts to pink and red sun catcher, you can let your creativity soar! If a craft is going to take more than 15-20 minutes, I'm out. If I need to order fancy supplies, I'm out. So when DIY is required, I like to go as simple as possible with the best possible effect.
My kids are really into rainbows right now so we decided to make 3D rainbow heart wind chimes.
Here's how we did it:
What you'll need: construction paper in an assortment of rainbow colors, scissors, thin yarn, a stapler, a clear glue stick, bag clip, and small crafting bells.
Step 1. Take a full rainbow of construction paper and hold each piece vertically. Cut strips from the bottom up (approx one inch wide or so).

Step 2. Take one of each color strip and pile it up in the order you'd like it to show on your heart. The color on the bottom of your pile will be the color on the outside.
Step 3. Scoot each piece down slightly to display the color behind it. Then cut the bottom of the stack off. Whatever color is on bottom shouldn't be cut at all.

Step 4. Start with the smallest piece, in my case, purple, and fold it into a tear drop shape. Continue layering on the other colors in the same manner. Once they are all lined up staple the bottoms together.

Now repeat steps 1-4 to create the other side of your heart.

Step 5. Smush lots of glue onto the inside of each tear drop, then lay the yarn in the middle and stick the tear drops together (stapler clamps facing in). Use a bag clip, clothespin, or other type of clamp to hold the tear drops together while the glue dries.

Step 6. Create as many of these hearts in as many sizes as you'd like to have on your windchime. We did 3, all different sizes, just cut the construction paper a bit shorter! Pro-tip: the smaller it is the trickier it is, so don't go too too small.
Step 7. Tie the bells to the bottom of the yarn. This is why you'll want really thin yarn. The yarn I chose is awesome because it's rainbow color, but it was a pain in the butt to thread it! Make sure to leave lots of extra yarn on the bottom that you can tie and cut at the end. I ran out so didn't get my purple bell on 😭. Came out really fun anyway and my kids loved it.
2. Sweet Treat
Pull out the heart-shaped cookie cutters, sprinkles, and other candy decorations, and bake some yummy treats with your little one!
3. Valentines for School
Whether you're looking for ideas for store-bought cards or would rather do some DIY Valentines cards for school, there are so many options to choose from! Especially now that many places require non candy valentines for school due to allergies.
Valentines are required at our school, and that is nightmare fuel for me! I am not crafty and it feels like just another thing to add to my to do list. So I really go as simple and quick as possible, while allowing my little ones to express their creativity.
When my kids are babies and small toddlers, we do store-bought Valentines Day cards for school. The baby can still make her little mark to personalize, but this really takes out the struggle of trying to do something super crafty with a wriggly baby.

As my kids get older, we give them the space to do whatever they'd like for Valentine's Day cards for their friends at school! This year, my 3-year-old asked me to draw her friends names in bubble letters, and then she colored it in.
Babies First Valentines Day
4. Special Valentine's Day Outfit

Put your little one in some red or pink, adorable or ridiculous, sweet or fancy Valentine's Day outfit. Whether you're having a Valentine's Day get together with family friends, or showing off how much you love your gorgeous new baby, this activity is a hit all around. Pro-tip: to get the baby to look at you or smile, use your phone or camera to play peek-a-boo! The more ridiculous the sounds and faces you make, the more engaged your baby will be.
5. Lipstick Kisses
If you like taking pictures and kissing your baby as much as I do, a lipstick kisses Valentine's Day photoshoot is sure to delight!

6. Fingerprint or Footprint Bouquet
Use your little ones teeny fingers and toes to create a floral bouquet for a grandparent, or just to decorate your home!
7. Sensory Play
Boxes filled with random things are a baby's dream come true. Cut up some construction paper hearts, throw them in a bin filled with water and let your baby splash away. Makes for some super cute pictures too!
If your baby is on the slightly older side, you can lay out some construction paper for them, and give them paintbrushes with a little bit of water. They can then paint directly on the construction paper. No mess!
Valentines Day Activities with Middle School Kids and Teens
As our babies get older, they're not so easy to impress with activities. Here are some that we've been able to convince our older kids into!
8. Chocolate covered strawberries
Strawberries are red, sweet, and perfect for Valentines Day. Dipping them in chocolate is super easy, and you likely have all the ingredients you need already in your pantry. Kids and adults of all ages will love doing this delicious activity together.

9. Write love letters together
Put all of your family member's name into a hat, and everyone draws a name. Then write a love letter to the person you draw! If you draw yourself, a love letter to yourself is a beautiful practice.

10. Scavenger Hunt
Create a Valentine's Day scavenger hunt that leads to a shared gift your kids have really been wanting. Use hearts and flowers for hidden clues!
11. Parents or Grandparents Love Story Interview
Have your tweens and teens interview Grandma and Grandpa about how they met and all of the details of their love story. They can film it, write an article, or both. This is such special time for your kids and parents, and makes for an amazing family keepsake!
Spending Time Together
No matter what activity you choose, the day will be special simply because your kiddo gets to spend it with you. And that's the best gift of all! Be sure to capture the special and silly moments of your day together, and text the stories and photos in to your Qeepsake Journal! They'll look so magical in your Qeepsake Book 💖