A friend told me about Qeepsake when I was expecting my first child. Text message question prompts from pregnancy or adoption to high school graduation? Add photos and videos? Custom memory books automatically created for me? Endless milestones to document? Shareable with family and friends? Yes, yes, yes, yes, and YES.
Busy Parent Friendly
A parent’s to do list is endless and only seems to grow. There’s feeding, changing, laundry, entertaining, answering the “but whyyyys?” — but there’s also moments of snuggles, kisses, giggles, and firsts squeezed in between that make everything worth it.
I’ve been told again and again, “The days are long, and the years are short.” I think no truer words have been spoken. Once you become a parent, you perceive time differently. Soft baby feet become muddy toddler stomps, pre-teen cleats, then suddenly wedding shoes. How am I supposed to keep it all, share it all, and most importantly, remember it all?
Parenting is busy. It’s hard. It’s joyful. It moves so slowly, and yet happens so fast. Qeepsake is the perfect solution for busy dads and busy moms just like me. Texts are not only sent on my schedule, but they remind me that I can take just a second to document last night’s diaper blowout, yesterday’s hug that made me melt, or next week’s trip to look forward. It’s effortless for me to talk about my kids — texting about them is no different.

The Texts
One of my favorite things about Qeepsake is the text message prompts. You can set prompts to arrive whenever suits your schedule — my phone buzzes every night around 8pm, after my little ones are tucked in and I’ve crashed onto the couch.
Last night I got, “If you could freeze time with Indie, which moment would you stop on?” I spent a moment reflecting on it, typed in my answer, and chose my favorite recent photo to send along with it. Bam, another journal entry and page of my book complete. With plenty of time left to do the dishes and watch The Office.
They questions are customized to your child’s age, so they’re always relevant whatever phase my littles may be in. Qeepsake has thousands of diverse questions, and is constantly adding more. Plus, you can reply “skip” to any question you don’t love, and send in a photo and story you’d like to save instead.

The App
The Qeepsake app is filled to the brim with thoughtful features for the whole family. If I didn’t get a chance to answer a prompt earlier in the week, I can submit an answer to any missed questions in the app, or edit any other entries if I catch a typo — there’s always one!
The app is basically my backup phone, too. I find myself saving all my important photos easily with the Multi-Photo Upload feature, because I know all my memories are stored safely and securely with Qeepsake forever. I’m able to save my videos too, and every once in a while I’ll spend part of my day rewatching moments I’m grateful I caught on camera.
The Chapters section in the app is a personal favorite. I love being able to track my little’s milestones and accomplishments. Chapters is the perfect spot to document all the firsts — first step, first word, first blowout — or all our holidays spent together, organized for me into easy sections so I don’t have to do too much thinking.

The Connections
A bonus about Qeepsake is a Premium membership for you is basically a membership for all. Adding Family Contributors is my favorite way to capture my family’s journey from every perspective.
I’ve added my partner, who gets prompts sent to their phone as well. Sometimes they’re the same as mine, but we always answer differently. My journal fills up twice as fast, meaning there’s more to save and print in my next Qeepsake Book. We spend several minutes each evening reminiscing and often chuckling over the questions of the night and our responses.
I’ve also added grandparents, aunts, uncles, and friends as recap recipients, and they regularly receive an email with my Qeepsake photos and memories. This means I’m automatically keeping everyone in my circle connected and up to date. No work on my end. And with Qeepsake’s A+ security, I know that I’m sharing photos privately and securely.

The Book
The Qeepsake Book. It’s simple, it’s excellent quality, it’s meaningful. Not only do my kids love looking back at photos of their memories, but they also get to see what the people who love them most in the world said about them as they grew up. So much better than just a photo album or picture book.
Plus, it’s ridiculously easy. Just a text per day and my Qeepsake Books are auto-formatted for me. When I want to order a book for myself or as a gift, all I have to do is choose a date range, click a button, and BAM, it arrives on my doorstep. If there’s something off about it, Qeepsake’s support team and Book Return Policy makes it easy to fix.
Qeepsake Books are also no-brainer gifts. Gone are the days when I had to agonize over what to get my mother-in-law for Mother’s Day or the holidays. I get her the most thoughtful gift of all — beautiful memory books overflowing with the joy and affection of our family’s moments. I love gifting my own parents books all about their grandchildren and my own parenting journey. It brings endless joy all around.

I can't possibly remember every single little thing that my kids do. No matter how hard I try to close my eyes and capture that new baby smell or the sound of my toddler's laugh. It's fleeting, and I want to remember everything. My family's story deserves to be told, as does yours. Every moment and every milestone. Every mess and every memory. Qeepsake makes this effortless.