Have you ever noticed your little ones captivated by the sound of crunchy leaves under their feet? Or them loving the feeling of squishing playdough between their fingers? That's them exploring and learning from the world around them through their senses! Sensory play is not only fun and exciting, but it also plays a vital role in your child's development.
What is sensory play and why is it important?
Sensory activities engage children's senses—touch, smell, taste, movement, balance, sight, and hearing. These experiences help to build nerve connections in the brain's pathways, leading to a child's ability to complete more complex learning tasks. According to a study published in Frontiers in Psychology, sensory play stimulates the growth of neural connections that improve your child's ability to complete more complex learning tasks.
Sensory activities support language development, cognitive growth, motor skills, problem-solving skills, and social interaction. What better way to get some sensory fun this summer!

What are some other benefits of sensory play?
Sensory play can be incredibly calming. Activities that engage a child's senses can help them process and manage their feelings, ultimately helping them to feel more secure and confident. This can help with self-regulation in moments where children may be dysregulated or feel out of control, such as tantrums or frustration. Plus, sensory activities are generally open-ended, meaning there's no "right" or "wrong" way to do them. This encourages creativity, exploration, and discovery.

Preparing for messy play
Sometimes even the phrase “messy play” is enough to make us parents shudder. Take a deep breath. Messy play is a very important part of development- it allows children to grow their flexible thinking muscles, appreciate process over product, and experiment with the concept of order. There are some things to do to make sure you are prepared for the mess:
- Don’t do it on an already stressful day. It just may be too much.
- Outdoor time is a perfect time for messy play- hoses are your best friend
- Involve your children in cleaning up! Using brooms, sponges, and soap are just as fun as actually making the mess!

So next time you're outside with your little one, help your child to notice the different textures around them. And remember, mess can be cleaned up, but learning from sensory play can last a lifetime!
Remember these milestones by snapping a photo and journaling through text or the Qeepsake app. The more you journal, the more is remembered forever in a Qeepsake Book!