We love today’s craft because it gets us outside. Plus, it’s just the right amount of spooky.

- Black paper
- Glue
- Googly eyes
- Sticks, leaves, or flowers
- Head out for a walk with your little to collect small twigs, sticks, flowers, or leaves. Return home with your bounty!
- Squeeze glue onto your black paper.
- Help your kiddo press their nature findings onto the paper. Squeeze more glue and add googly eyes onto each item.
- Whatever your little creates will be unique — make sure to save pictures to your Qeepsake journal to remember how your little expressed themselves this fall!

With little kids, it can be tough to know exactly how much Halloween they’ll be able to handle. Here’s our guide.
0-12 Month-Olds: This is a great age to take a walk around the neighborhood with the stroller, and soak in the seasonal spirit with your baby.
12-24 Month-Olds: While your little may not be ready to hit the streets, they might be a great helper for handing out candy!
24+ Month-Olds: To ease your toddler in, start trick or treating early, and don’t plan to stay out longer than an hour.