Hello, 2025! A fresh year brings fresh possibilities for fun and imagination. Whether or not snowflakes are falling outside, this craft will capture the magic of winter.

- Colored paper
- White paper
- Glue sticks
- Googly eyes
- Markers
- To prep, make a snowman by cutting three circles out of the white paper and glue them to the colored paper. Cut out a hat and arms and glue those too.
- Set up your kids with more white paper and encourage them to rip it up into pieces of “snow.” Then help them use a glue stick to paste snowflakes around the snowman, creating a winter wonderland.
- Complete the snowman by gluing on googly eyes together, then draw on a mouth and nose.
- You may end up with “snowflakes” on the paper and on the ground — capture the joy of creativity for your Qeepsake journal!

The holidays, while wonderful, can be a big disruption to routine. Here are some ways to help everyone reset.
🚂 If there are new toys around, work together to adjust your space and find spots for them.
🛒 Have kiddos help with groceries and in the kitchen as you return to regularly scheduled meals and snacks.
😌 Give everyone (yourself and littles included) lots of grace as you all adjust!