Whether you’re crossing oceans or sticking with staycations, summer is a great time to talk to kids about travel. Help your child “pack” for a pretend trip with this sweet craft.

- Construction paper
- Labels
- Markers
- Magazine(s)
- Scissors
- Glue
- Fold your construction paper in half and draw a suitcase with a handle. Then cut it out.
- Together with your little one, decide on some (real or imaginary!) places you should go, and write the destinations down on the labels. Stick them to the outside of your suitcase.
- Look through a magazine together, and find items that your kiddo wants to pack. Cut them out and glue them inside the suitcase. Keep the suitcase open to dry.
- Don’t forget to take pictures of what your little picks to pack!

With kids, even a trip to the local pool counts as a getaway. Here are some tips to help you all enjoy the ride.
0-12 Month-Olds: Babies are a great way to make friends in new places! When strangers smile at your little bundle, take the opportunity to chat and get to know them.
12-24 Month-Olds: While routine is important, so is being flexible. Bring extra blankets and be prepared for on-the-go naps.
24+ Month-Olds: Give your toddler simple tasks, like picking a few toys to bring, to help them feel included in the process.