Everything You Need to Know About Qeepsake: As Told by a Busy Parent

Learn all about effortlessly capturing memories, text questions, a smart app, and a like-magic memory book from Qeepsake Mom, Gem.
Gem Garcin, Qeepsake Mom & Creator

Perfect for Busy Parents

Before having kids I received so much unsolicited advice from strangers. Some of it was true, and some of it was plain ridiculous. But one piece that gets truer and truer by the day is that once you become a parent, you perceive time differently. It moves differently.

I’ve been told again and again, “The days are long, and the years are short.” And I think no truer words have been spoken.

There’s feeding, changing, laundry, entertaining, “but whyyyys,” — the list is endless and only seems to grow. Plus, all those snuggles, kisses, giggles, and firsts. It’s busy. It’s hard. It’s joyful. It moves so slowly, and yet it’s gone in an instant.

Those soft baby feet become muddy toddler stomps, pre-teen cleats, and then in a blink, wedding shoes. How am I supposed to keep it all, share it all, and most importantly, remember it all when I can’t even remember to brush my own teeth?

Lucky for me, a friend told me about Qeepsake when I was expecting my first child. Text message question prompts from pregnancy or adoption to high school graduation? Add photos and videos? Custom memory books automagically created for me? Endless milestones to fill-in? Share with family members and friends? Yes, yes, yes, yes, and YES.

Qeepsake is the perfect solution for busy dads and busy moms just like me.

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The Texts

One of my favorite things about Qeepsake is the text message journaling. My question prompt buzzes my phone every night around 8pm, after my little ones are tucked safely in their beds, and I’ve crashed onto the couch (you can choose any time that suits your schedule).

Last night I got, “If you could freeze time with Indie, which moment would you stop on?” I spent a moment reflecting on it, typed in my answer, and chose my favorite recent photo to send along with it. Bam, another journal entry and page of my book complete. With plenty of time left to do the dishes and watch The Office.

And the questions are really good. They are based on age range, so are relevant to your kiddo. And they really are relevant, whatever phase my little lovebugs may be in (and remember, it’s all just a phase 😉). Qeepsake has thousands of diverse question prompts and is constantly adding more. Plus, you can reply “skip” to any question you don’t love, and send in a photo and story you’d like instead.

Two phones with text from Qeepsake and photos of Eloise, texts read: What was the best part of Eloise's Day and What is Eloise especially good at?
Two phones with sample text questions from Qeepsake and pictures of baby Indigo. Text questions read: Is indigo teething? How many teeth does she have right now? And What is your favorite time of day with Indigo?

Gratitude Practice

An unexpected benefit of the daily reflection questions I receive from Qeepsake is a regularly scheduled gratitude practice. At the end of each day, I get a few minutes to stop and think about my little one and our journey together. These moments vary from silly to profound, and I’m always left thinking of my little ones affectionately (yes, even when they’ve been little $&!#%). 

It makes me feel grateful to be their mom.
Start my Qeepsake Gratitude Practice purple button. Click here to sign up for Qeepsake.

The App

The Qeepsake app is filled to the brim with thoughtful features for the whole family. Edit photos and make collages. Answer missed questions. Fill in milestones and seamlessly connect social profiles. Customize memory books. Add favorite video moments. Share photos and memories with family and friends. And so much more.

Mom the Memory-Keeper: Add Family & Friends

Every family is different, but I’m the CCO (Chief Communications & Logistics Officer) in my family. This means that I’m responsible for keeping in touch with grandparents, aunts, uncles, friends, and sharing photos and stories.

This is another thing Qeepsake has made really easy for me. I add family and friends as recap recipients, and they regularly receive an email with my Qeepsake photos and memories. This means I’m automatically keeping everyone in my circle connected and up to date. No work on my end. And with Qeepsake’s A+ security, I know that I’m sharing photos privately and securely.

One of my favorite things about Qeepsake recaps is the ability to choose which of my family and friends has access to my journals. That means Qeepsake could send recap emails about my toddler while keeping my pregnancy journal private to just me and my partner. Allowing us to maintain the secret all while keeping GiGi & Nana happy and none-the-wiser.

I’ve also added my partner as a contributor to my Qeepsake journals. That means he too gets questions about our kids and can add photos, videos, and memories that I otherwise would likely never have seen. It’s super nice to have stories from both Mom and Dad in our journals. We spend several minutes each evening reminiscing and often chuckling over the questions of the night and our responses.

It also solves for the missing mom problem. Moms are often missing from family albums because they are the memory-keepers, picture-takers, and storytellers. Now my partner thinks to take pictures of me with the kids to add to our Qeepsake Journals.

When the kids spend time with grandparents or other caregivers, I can add multiple contributors. This helps me capture my kids’ journeys from every angle (and shares the memory-keeping-mental-load too)! 

How to Solve the Missing Mom Problem purple button. Click here to learn how to solve this problem by signing up for Qeepsake.


There are over 100 milestones in the Qeepsake app for all kinds of families. If something cool happens in my house, guarantee I can find a corresponding milestone in the app. If something’s missing, I email support@qeepsake.com, and they add it. They’re good like that.

The best part — it’s not just developmental milestones. Qeepsake has IVF milestones, adoption milestones, pregnancy milestones, NICU milestones, baby milestones, childhood milestones, school milestones, and my personal favorite, parenting milestones. 

Phone with baby's first step milestone, baby milestone in the Qeepsake App.
Check out my kid's first steps! - Qeepsake Baby Milestone

And that first time I tripped over a toy... WHY is it ALWAYS a LEGO! - Qeepsake Parenting Milestone
And how we chose Eloise's name. I love that I could add a collage of my maternity shoot! - Qeepsake Pregnancy Milestone

The Book

The Qeepsake Book. It’s simple, it’s excellent quality, it’s meaningful. Not only do my kids love looking back at photos of their memories, but they also get to see what the people who love them most in the world said about them as they grew up. So much better than just a photo album or picture book. 

Qeepsake Books are full of the stories of their childhood.

Plus, it’s ridiculously easy. Just a text per day and my Qeepsake Books are auto-formatted for me. When I want to order a book for myself or as a gift, all I have to do is choose a date range, click a button, and BAM, it arrives on my doorstep. Leaves me with so much more time for activities (Netflix and pretzels count as activities right?).

Gifts for Grandparents

Gone are the days when I had to agonize over what to get my mother-in-law for Mother’s Day or the holidays. I get her the most thoughtful gift of all — beautiful memory books overflowing with the joy and affection of our family’s moments. I love gifting my own parents books all about their grandchildren and my own parenting journey. It brings endless joy all around.

Our most recent Qeepsake book is proudly displayed on the grandparents' coffee table.


My absolute favorite thing about my Qeepsake Books is sitting with my family and flipping through all the memories. My 3-year-old grabs the Qeepsake Books and insists we all graze them daily. We’re regularly spending time together cherishing our memories. I’ve given her this unbelievable gift that she’ll likely keep forever. The best part — I never had to skip out on the moments that mattered, buried in a scrapbook or uploading a ton of pics to an app. Qeepsaking was just part of my everyday life — it only took me a moment.

From baby books to toddler sillies, teenage reflections, and parenting milestones, Qeepsake continues to grow with my family. It makes life easier for me, allowing me to spend more quality time with my people. For me, Qeepsake is THE answer to remembering the moments I never want to forget. It keeps me close and connected to the people I love most.


I can't possibly remember every single little thing that my kids do. No matter how hard I try to close my eyes and capture that new baby smell or the sound of my toddler's laugh. It's fleeting. I also know the best is yet to come, and I want to remember everything. My family's story deserves to be told. Every moment and every milestone. Every mess and every memory. Qeepsake makes this effortless.

Get Qeepsake purple button. Click here to sign up for Qeepsake.

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Qeepsake Trust Bar: Qeepsake is a Mom's Choice Awards Honoring Excellence Winner,  As featured on Fox News, Platinum Nominee for Best Mobile App Awards, Featured in Today's Parent and Business Insider, and Qeepsake as seen on Shark Tank.

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